In its Pledge to America ( http://pledge.gop.gov/ ) the Republican Party has revealed just how archaic its foreign policy will be if it regains control of Congress. Most pertinent to this blog is the following section dealing with missile defense.
Fully Fund Missile Defense
There is real concern that while the threat from Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles could materialize as early as 2015, the government’s missile defense policy is not projected to cover the U.S. homeland until 2020. We will work to ensure critical funding is restored to protect the U.S. homeland and our allies from missile threats from rogue states such as Iran and North Korea.
Give us a break. While the bipartisan Sustainable Defense Task Force
( http://www.comw.org/pda/fulltext/1006SDTFreport.pdf ) is calling for missile reductions, the Republicans are again playing the Iran and North Korea fear cards and promising to spend more on outlandish missile contracts. Instead of sinking additional funds into an already outrageous defense budget, we should be dramatically trimming military spending and investing some of the savings in programs such as Mark Hecker's Reach Incorporated which improves reading skills, across ages, by hiring and training adolescents to tutor elementary school students in need of additional support. It is time to reinvest in our people, not in more weapons of mass destruction. Please visit the Reach website, and consider a donation, at:

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